Ghost Stories/ S.E.O. and Digital Marketing with Beacon

When approaching the subject of SEO, it is important to firstly understand “The Internet”. More specifically to understand Google.
What is Google?
For the answer to this question and more I needed to enlist the services of Damien Fegan from Beacon Internet Marketing. Damien is an absolute wizard when it comes to making the most of your online presence. His advice has always been on point, and I have taken his advice, and services for my own site. I have also recommended Damien and Beacon to clients, never to have been disappointed.
In order to understand Google, we need to understand its purpose. The whole purpose of Google, according to Damien, is to sell advertising. Google does this by providing it users with the best answer to their question. If you type “plumber” and “Belfast”, Google will come back with the best answer to this question. Google will also seek the opinions of others, using reviews etc.
The technical methods used by Damien to change your website’s visitors into customers is a skill that he possesses in spades. It is better fo him to explain it to you, as I humbly could not.
The Chat
The important thing to know about Beacon and especially Damien is their huge dislike of waste. Damien hates anything wasted. Time, money, talent, resources anything. With this as his driving force, Damien strives to give the best advice, and service to his clients.
As we started our conversation, it became clear that Damien takes his business seriously, and personally. We began but speaking about the change in the marketing industry. How traditional marketing companies have transitioned from print to online, and the challenges associated with this. Damien pointed out the attitude towards marketing in Northern Ireland compared to the UK, and the Republic of Ireland is very different. In N.I. it is considered an expense, whereas the others see marketing as an investment.
“Your website is to serve your customer, not your ego”. This was the quote that made the participants pick up their pens, and start writing. The most important thing to be considered with regards to your online presence is content. Content is king!!!
Once your content is correct, we then need to put measures in place to track and trace who is absorbing your message.
What we learned.
- When we are planning our content (marketing) we need to ask ourselves the following questions.
- Who is it for?
- Why are they reading/watching this?
- What action should they want to take?
- What action do I want them to take?
- Your website is to serve your customer, not your ego.
- Avoid self-serving content.
- Add value with your marketing.
- Posts/Marketing should have a call to action.
- Start with the end in mind.
- Google always wants to give you the best answer.
- When investing in your marketing, start with the following
- Invest in your website.
- Put tracking and Pixels on your website (a pixel is a thing on a website that follows you around online with advertising).
- How do I get my content in front of potential clients?
- How do I get back to my customers?
- When investing in digital marketing play the long game.
Thank you Damien